Homegrown: Who’s killing it on tiktok?
By O’s Content Marketing Executive and TikTok Creator, Rebecca Baty @rebbeebee18
In the last few years TikTok has become the fastest growing social media app in the world and now sees over 30 million daily active users on iOS alone.
A new generation of content creators and influencers seem to have popped up over night and businesses big and small are desperate to go viral on the app. TikTok has become one of the most popular social media apps on the market and has been downloaded more than 3 billion times since its initial release in 2016.
But with millions of people posting content every day, how do you know who to look to for good content inspiration? Who is killing the TikTok content game?
We’ve listed a selection of our favourite content creators and businesses using TikTok to give you an idea of what good TikToking can look like.
Coco Cosmetics @cococosmeticsbychloe
Coco Cosmetics was founded by Chloe, a young entrepreneur with a mission to develop one of the industry’s best beauty sponges. Not only has she delivered but she’s created a fantastic TikTok account documenting her journey. Two and a half years after first posting about her products and behind the scenes of her small business, Coco Cosmetics have garnered over 350k followers and have seen their products being used by huge beauty influencers from around the world.
Duolingo @duolingo
Duolingo is a language education service that has taken TikTok by storm with its unconventional approach to the app. With the help of their mascot, a big green owl named Duo, they have amassed almost 6.5 million followers and regularly post content that gets over 1 million views. Duolingo rarely directly advertise their product on the app, but instead use it to reach their target audience and build brand awareness.
Red Bull @redbull
Similar to Duolingo, Red Bull don’t use TikTok to heavily push their product and have in fact taken this concept even further by curating a channel of fast paced and high energy content. All of their TikTok videos feature fun and unusual sports events and athletes that embody Red Bull’s ethos of ‘Red Bull gives you wings’. They’ve gone for a more polished and professional TikTok look, which doesn’t always work on the app, but their content is mega entertaining and often shows crazy stunts and jaw dropping sports.
Cugini Pizza @cuginipizza
Cugini Pizza are a small business based in the UK, founded by the Cugini cousins. But being a small business doesn’t mean that they aren’t killing it on TikTok. In fact they now have almost 500k followers and their videos often get hundreds of thousands of views, with one even getting an incredible 39 million views! Putting their own personality into making their delicious pizzas has allowed their business to shine.
Content Creators
Mndiaye_97 @mndiaye_97
Mamadou has nailed storytelling on TikTok so well that he now has a community of over 15 million that hang on his every word. He’s become one of TikTok’s best known informative accounts and is the teacher that everyone actually wanted at school. His genuine interest in the content he makes and style of narration on his videos make his TikToks super compelling to watch, even when he’s talking about some of nature’s more brutal facts.
The P00l Guy @thep00lguy
The P00l Guy’s own brand of oddly satisfying content has helped him gain over 14 million followers, and it seems like barely a week goes by before one of his videos gets at least a million views. Using his calm voice and chill personality, this creator offers people an insight into the lives (and gardens) of people lucky enough to own their own swimming pool, and a type of TikTok that’s super relaxing to watch.
Mikayla Nogueira @mikaylanogueira
TikTok isn’t short of beauty influencers, so it takes something special to really stand out as a makeup content creator. But with a following of over 14.5 million, Mikayla’s honest makeup reviews and insights into her life has helped her fans fall in love with her personality. She’s known for not holding back if she doesn’t like a product as well as sharing what she’s truly passionate about using her instantly recognisable accent.
Lucy Ewards @lucyedwards
Lucy is trailblazing the way that TikTok can be used for good by highlighting her experiences as a blind person living in the UK to her 1.8 million followers. Using social media she has become an online activist, a journalist AND an ambassador for Pantene! She’s now a voice for people who are blind and visually impaired and hasn’t let her disability stop her from chasing her goals. She’s even worked with the BBC making documentaries and interviewed celebrities like Ryan Gosling on the red carpet.